
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 12:50

WPN storks 1

Clack Clack Clack!!!! What's the sound we can hear in Urdaibai? It's the sound of spring and we are celebrating! The storks are back!

Two beautiful storks can be seen standing calmly in their nest on the border of Kortezubi and Arteaga. After a winter spent alone in Urdaiabi, the male had has now been reunited with his partner, who returned from migration last week. Local people are delighted to see the pair together again, and we have been told that they have named the storks Mauricio and Filomena!

WPN Vuelta de cigueñas

Kortezubi/Arteaga 2024

We are hoping that their nest is going to be as full as last year, when they successfully raised three chicks.

WPN Stork and chicks

Kortezubi/Arteaga 2023

The presence of these breeding storks in Urdaiabi is due to the Urdaibai Foundation recovery program that was carried out from 2003 to 2008. Its main objectives were the recovery of the white stork in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve and the reinforcement of the population in Bizkaia. 38 individuals were transferred from the Vallcalent Wildlife Recovery Center (Lleida) and brought to Urdaibai. These young storks that had been in this recovery center for various reasons (falling out of the nest, disorientation during the first flight, etc.) Instead of being released in Catalonia they were donated for the recovery of the population in Bizkaia. Having been cared for in an aviary for two consecutive winters they were later released in Urdaibai. As we can see, the recovery programme has been successful.

In addition to the Kortezubi/Arteaga pair, there is also a nest in Forua and one in Gernika. Last year the female from Gernika did not return so we are hoping the male will have more luck in 2024.

WPN Forua nest

Forua 2020

WPN andra mari

 Gernika 2021

We'll be following the progress of the Urdaibai nests over the next few months and we´ll keep you updated. Spring is coming and the storks are getting ready!

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