DARWING September 21, 2014,-Last but not least

Osprey Darwin in comparison with his "brothers" is the last leaving behind the wetlands of Urdaibai.

«Sorzano2» por Deivid - Trabajo propio. Disponible bajo la licencia CC BY-SA 3.0 vía Wikimedia Commons.

He began the journey to the south in the morning of September 21. On the first day, it traveled more than a hundred kilometers, not bad! It was maybe the longest day in its life. He flights over the lands of Basque Country and La Rioja until it lands in Sorzano.

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Darwin overnight in the outers of Sorzano where it spent the night in a growing areas. Lacks the presence of the landscape with large trees, replace the electric pole where Darwin spent the night in a post. We are waiting for new data to further information.



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