"Urretxindorra" Osprey (N2)


The birthplace of the Osprey called Urretxindorra is Nairn, a beautiful village in the Northern coast of Scotland. This is a medium size male of a clutch of three chicks. He was ringed with a yellow PVC ring, with the code N2 for its identification.

* This bird has been sponsored by Urretxindorra Little-School of Muxika, and for this reason, he has taken this name. Students of Urretxindorra have spent years participating with the Urdaibai Bird Center in the project called Hegazti Eskola. During this year, with the project Osprey migration linking communities, they have focused in learning about Ospreys and sharing these experiences with students from Scotland and Gambia.

Below we can see the movements of this bird after he was released.

From October 15th to December 10th - SATELLITE EMISSION BEGINS TO FAIL

The last positions from the satellite located Urretxindorra in a small village in the Niger's riverbank, but his transmitter stopped to send out signals from the beginning of November. On the one hand, it could be a fail in the GPS transmitter, as it happened in other cases. On the other hand, we have the uncertainty if the bird has been hunted or if he has died accidentally, as the lack of signal from the satellite may be because Urretxindorra is in a place where the solar battery can't be recharged.  

Niger's riverbank close to the place where were located the last positions. Author: Robin Taylor.
This news was a surprise for us. As it is known, the interior Niger river's delta is a very dangerous region for Ospreys. It is known that the number of wintering Ospreys has decreased in the last decades, while it has grown the number of recovered ringed birds, which indicates the considerable increase in the pressure on this species in this area, specially due to hunting and above all, due to the accidents with fishing devices.

Last positions between Segú and Markala (Mali).
The survival rate of adult Ospreys is quite high, around %90. This means that one out of ten adults overcomes every year the difficult challenge of migrate thousands kilometres to a distant country, in order to winter there and to return again to Europe in order to breed. Otherwise, the survival of young Ospreys is very low: it is estimated that less than half reaches one year and that just the %15 will reach an adulthood to breed. This means that one out of ten specimens released yearly in Urdaibai, just only one or two will survive until being adults. For this reason, within the recovery project is considered a translocation of minimum 60 specimens from Scotland to Urdaibai in a period of five years.

The great journey made by Urretxindorra since he began his migration
Despite we are aware of that few of the specimens released will reach the adulthood, the lack of news of each bird is a very sad news for the people involved in the recovery project, an amount to pay when you have detailed information provided by the satellite transmitters.
We hope to be wrong and that Urretxindorra begins again to send out signal or someone reads his coloured ring when he come back to Urdaibai.


From 17th to 30th October - TOWARDS THE RESERVOIR OF MARKALA

It seems that our young Osprey feels comfortable in this area, as his tours are more scarce. It should be pointed out that the trip made the 30th October, approaching by the north bank of the Niger river to Markala city. This city, mentioned in journeys he have done before, is known for its reservoir. 
French colonists authorized this famous and spectacular reservoir of Markala in 1935, in order to provide with water the lands that are in the north of the city all year long. Although the idea of French was to allocate the water for cotton production, nowadays more than 40% of the rice cultivated in Mali is irrigated by this reservoir.
Although it seems that Urretxindorra moves less and less, it is still very soon to assure that this will be his wintering area. We have to wait then, to receive more movements from the satellite.

The reservoir and rice crops on the left.


Farmers working on the rice fields.


Today Urretxindorra goes back towards the area where he has settled his camp. For this, first he goes to the north crossing Bani river and then he flies to the northwest, passing by some villages such as Wélindiguila, Bounga, Kala, Toua, Bousse and Bobola.
At midday he arrives in the north bank of Niger river and he rests in a wooded area in the south of Bouka.
In this excursion of two days, our young friend has done again a loop with his trip, as well as he has explored a new area flooded by Bani river and its tributaries. 



Urretxindorra begins the days resting on a tree. At 7.00 am he approaches to the river to have breakfast and at 9.00 am he comes back, surely to enjoy his food perched on a branch. 
Already with the battery charged, he goes towards the marshes that are in the south of Gounando, and from there he goes to the southeast crossing the Niger river that is on the east of the of Kougou. He continues with his way to the southeast until 14.00 pm, while he flies at a height of 1230m, he comes across with Bani river, one of the most important tributary of Niger river. On his way, he has passed close to some villages: Djigo, Dialabougou, Faléma, Windia, Zinzana and Nouda. Besides, he has also flown over the Forest Reserve of Faria.

Bani river, Malí. Author: Ferdinand Reus.

Urretxindorra doesn't make any stop and he flies over the river for a while, until he goes a little bit into the land of the south bank of Bani river. After have passed by the south of Sébétien village, he changes his way and he flies to the northeast, always flying close to the river. Finally, around 18.00 pm, he perches on a tree in a land divided into plots nearby the river and which is between the villages of Nouoro and Fani, and he spends the night there. 



Today Urretxindorra feels adventurous and after have fished in the river and have breakfast perched on a tree, he decides to make a small excursion to the north.
First, he crosses to the other side of the Niger river and he goes towards the northeast flying over the town of Tongou. When he meets again with the river, he turns on to the northwest passing over the small tributaries of the Niger river. He passes at the east of the town of Bougoula and when he arrives to a huge area of crops in the town of Konbala, he decides to come back to the south passing by the towns of Kolobele, Golababougou, Diaakoro, Sagala and Damadou.
At 15.00 pm he arrives in the Niger river, and after probably have fished something, he comes back to the wooded area that is in the surroundings of the Souba's city and he stays resting the rest of the day. Thanks to the trip made this day, we could see a beautiful loop in his monitoring, leaving like this the city of Markala in the centre of it. 

A bridge over Niger river in Markala, Mali. Author: R. Gaudin.


The following day, October 14th, it is a day for rest so he spends the day flying over his territory, he flies above all over the bank of the river between Gounando and Bouka.







Urretxindorra continues in the same area in the region of Segoú, which was the settlement of Bamana or Bámbara empire in the eighteenth century, before it was conquered by the Toucouler empire, and later became a French colony. 
Because of his movements, it seems that he prefers the north river bank of the Niger river, although this can change next days, as we could see that he has gone to the other side of the river and has come back again.
He usually moves between Gounando and Bouka towns, although he has flown over the town of Kougou when he crossed to the other side of the river. Due to these dat, and the fact that he has always travelled through inhabited areas, we could say that Urretxindorra has no problem with the human presence. This could be good news, as in case he comes back to Urdaibai, it seems that human activities will not affect negatively in his daily life. 


Detail of the Urretxindorra's movements from the 1st to the 7th of October


Between those days Urretxindorra has been among the towns of Souba and Gounando, close to the meanders of the Niger river. During those days, he has travelled long distances and it seems that in this subtropical surroundings has found his particular paradise, as he has spent several days in the same area. Only the October 5th he has a different behaviour, as he has done 14 km to the northeast during the day, to come back at night to the place where he has spent last days. 

The following day, he returns to the same area and he stays there all the day and also the 7th. Therefore, we could affirm that our Osprey was making an examination of the place. As it happens with the area where he was before, it seems that Urretxindorra likes also this place. Along the day he approaches to the river to fish and he overnights on the trees that are in the savannah.

Niger river in Segoú, Mali. Author: Robin Taylor

It should be pointed out that the Niger river crosses these vast lands giving to them a great life and because of this, our friend has not find any difficulty to fish here. The Niger river is the main river in Western Africa. It rises in Guinea and after it crosses Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria where it flows into the sea, forming the big delta of Niger in the gulf of Guinea. It has a length of 4.184km making it the third of Africa because of its length (exceeded only by Nilo and Congo rivers) and it drains a basin of 2.262.000 km2, becoming it the 4th biggest in Africa.

We must mention also the vast lands where Tuaregs or imuhaghs live that are bereber populations with a nomad traditions of the Sahara desert, and that they move through Algeria, Libya, Niger, Burkina Faso besides Mali.






The travel starts at 7.00 am and during the hole day he follows the Niger river up to the village of Segú where he spends the night. Until he reaches his destinations he flies over several towns as Keffabougou, Dinan, Kassa, Kanika, Diango, Balaban, Fani, Kolimana, Gangué and Farako, that are in the bank of the river, as one river plenty of water is always life source where are settlements.

Niger river in the city of Segú, Mali. Author: Arensond.







His stage starts at 8.00 am following the Niger river to the north and passing through the west of Nyagadina village until 10.00 am. From 10.00 am to 13.00 pm, he leaves on the left the Niger river and he goes parallel to it till he finds again the river at 14.00 pm.

From 14.00 pm to 18.00 pm he follows the river until the proximity of the town of Sendo, where he spends the night.  Along the day he has flown some villages as: Makono, Kartabougou, Kola, Dialakoroba, Koulikoro and Bafinkabougou.


Niger river in the town of Koulikoro, Mali. Author: Guaka.


September 28th - FROM RIVER TO RIVER



At 8.00 am he goes to the southeast leaving behind the Senegal river and the National Parks of Kouroufing and Bafing that are close to go into the Niger river. He passes close to the border with Guinea, and finally he goes a little bit into the Reserve of Keniebaoule.

He arrives in the Niger river at 17.00 pm and he spends the night in a wooded area, close to the village of Gueleba, in the south bank of the river.

Bamako, Malí. Author: Arensond.


September 27th - MANANTALI LAKE



With the new day, Urretxindorra continues his travel and he flies to the southeast until midday when he arrives at the Manantali lake, which has a surface of 447 km2. For our eagle this is an excellent place to feed and rest, but actually, it is a huge construction of a reservoir made by human.


Manantali lake, Mali. Author: USDA, PECAD/FAS
In this point, the river takes the number of Bafing, because the Senegal river rises in the village of Bafoulabé, as a result of the union of Bafing and Bakoye rivers.
From midday on, he goes a little bit to the south and he spends the hole afternoon knowing the edge of the Manantali lake. As he likes the areas, he decides to overnight there.





Urretxindorra starts his stage at 7.00 am. Instead of following the course of the river, he goes in parallel with it during the morning. At 11.00 am he passes close to the village of Diamou and at 12.00 pm he meets the Senegal river and he crosses its bank. He follows his way through this bank and around 15.00 pm he flies over the meander where he finds the villages of Bafoulabé and Mahina.


Felou waterfalls in Senegal river, between Kayes and Bafoulabé, Malí. Author: Jacques Taberlet.

Urretxindorra flies to the southeast and at 19.00 pm he perches on a tree close to the river and he decides to spend the night there. On his journey he has passed some populated areas such as the small villages of Lougui and Diguila. Although he is still in a semiarid area, it is possible to see the smallholdings that are in the surroundings, a sign that the land is richer. 


September 25th - CROSSING MALI


It's 7.00 am and Urretxindorra sets out towards the border of Mali. Instead of going straight, he goes around and after have done 14 km, he crosses the border around 10.00 am. From there, he goes to the southeast after have rested a little bit. From that moment, he begins to gain height until 17.00 pm, then he starts to go down when he arrives to the surroundings of the river of Senegal.


Senegal river in Kayes, Mali. Author: Olivier Epron.
In this period of the year, Senegal river flows plenty of water due to the typical rains of this season, that goes on from July to December. For this reason, our friend has perhaps met some boats going to the village of Kayes, because thanks to this water level the river is navigable until this point. In this stretch of the river, between Kossoumalé and Dar Salam, villages that are close to Kayes and Bangassi, Urretxindorra stops to spend the night on a tree of the savannah.


September 24th - AT MALI'S DOOR

Urretxindorra is approaching to Mali, so today he will leave behind the hard lands of the Sahara desert.

At 8.00 am he sets out and he goes to the southeast. Each flap he does, farther he is from the desert and more vegetation and trees he finds. He also could see more human settlements and he flies over the villages of Kifa, Tinteïna, El Moudéré, Raïchakh, Koro and Ndoumelli.

Oasis between Aleg and Kiffa, Mauritania. Author: Toksave.

At 17.00 pm and after have flown tirelessly 275km, our eagle perches on a tree between the villages of Guéléoil and Louboéré. At the end, in this place, 10 km far from the border with Mali, Urretxindorra can rest because he has already overcome the worst of his journey. Mediterranean sea and the sand of the Sahara desert are left behind.


September 23rd - CROSSING THE ERGS

His destination is closer and Urretxindorra knows it. But to reach it, he has to cross the hole Ergs, that is, the sandy areas of Sahara desert. The heat of the desert is igneous and he can meet a sand storm, but there is no time to lose. At 8.00 am he starts the new stage and he goes to the south without stop for a rest until 18.00 pm.

Dunes of the region of Adar, Mauritania. Author: Ji Elle.

During his travel, he has passed at the east of the salt lake called El Ghallaouiya, where he has found sculpted stones and cave paintings. A little further on the south, are the cities of the caravan route, such as Oudane and Chingueti, that are declared a World Heritage site because of their architecture. At 14.00 pm he was already in the region of Tagant and at 17.00 pm he was entering in the region of El Açaba. Here, at the foot of the Tarf Taskass hill, Urretxindorra has spent the night.

Djouk pass, region of Tagant, Mauritania. Author: Bob Rayner.



There is no time to lose if he wants to reach his destination, so our eagle has done 462 km today in full desert without stops his flight. He has flown with a median speed of 63km/h and he has reach 2580m height.

Region of Adra, Mauritania. Author: Emmanuel Brunner.

On his way to the south, he has crossed the region of Tiris Zemmour and he has entered in the region of Adra, where he has spent the night.




At 7.00 am we receive the first location of Urretxindorra. He is in full desert and before heat becomes oppressive, het sets out towards Tinduf. He doesn't stop in hole morning and he is raising more and more thanks to the thermals, overcoming the mountain area.

At 15.00 pm he is at 1630 m of height, and he has already crossed the border with Mauritania, leaving behind the Saharan refugee camps and the city of Tinduf. He continues his journey to the south and 142km from the border he stops his flight until 21.00 pm. After have made 360km under the scorching sun, it is time to rest. Our little friend has still a long way away the desert.

Desert of Mauritania.Author: Enrique Diaz.



Our friend wakes up in the Atlas mountains and he sets out to the dunes of the south. While he is flying to the southwest, he flies over small towns and oasis as Tissemoumine, a small village located close to an oasis. After, he flies near the Natural Park of Iriki and of Zagora, which he leaves in the west.

Zagora, Morocco. Author: YoTuT.

At 16.00 pm, he enters the province of Tinduf, flying at 2700 m of altitude. One hour later without stop, at 22.00 pm he stops at the northwest of the Oum El Assel town, in the mysterious lands of the desert.

September 19th


Today, Urretxindorra has decided to go to the southeast. We have received his first location at 6.00 am and at 11.00 am he was already near de town of Debdú. When he has reached this mountainous area, he has turned his direction to southwest and he has flown among mountains increasing height. Our Osprey has started to cross the Atlas mountains and he has to raise more than 2140 m to get it.

Ziz river, river that supplies Hassan Addakhil reservoir , Morocco. Author: Jerzy Strzelecki.

Finally, according to his last signal, at 22.00 pm he has stopped close to the Hassan Addakhil reservoir, in the city of Errachidia. After have flown 300 km, he has passed the night at a height of 1720 m.


September 18th - IN MOROCCAN LANDS


In the early hours of the day, our friend has left behind the farmlands and he has gone to the south. When he has come across Muluya river, he has follow the riverbed to the southwest and after have passed the reservoir of Mohamed V, he has stopped in the village of Dar Slimane. Finally, he has spent the night in the fertile riverside of the Muluya river.

Muluya river´s delta, Morocco. Author: Hadraj.

After the hard stage of the day before, Urretxindorra has done 87 km today. This is because today he has done short flights with a median speed of almost 31 km/h and he has done some stops.

September 17th-18th.- JUMP TO AFRICA

Having returned to the coast after have done some kilometers off-shore, he has stopped for a short break in the coast.

Nonetheless, without any fear, he has gone again into the Alborán sea, flying on the surface of the water with a median speed of more or less 40 km/h. He flies over the island of Alborán, but he needn't to rest on it and he continues with his aim of crossing the sea.

Mar chica (Nador) from el Quebdana. Author: Miguel González Novo.

4 hours later, he achieves to arrive in Kariat Arkman, close to Melilla and Nador cities. It is to be happy, because this young eagle has overcome one of the most important geographical barrier that he has found in this great travel.

After this dangerous journey, he has perched on a high voltage tower to recharge his battery. As it can see in the photo, the localization of the satellite shows that the tower was among several roads.

Tower where Urretxindorra has spent the night.


With the first rays of light Urretxindorra decided to follow his flyway towards Africa. He gave up Magina mountain range in Jaén and has gone into Granada, crossing the Natural Park of Sierra Nevada by the middle.


Landscape of Granada where Urretxindorra has passed by. Author: Nikater

Around midday he crossed the coast of Granada through Motril with the intention to follow his flyway towards Africa without stopping, but probably because of the unfavourable winds he decided to come back towards the coast of Motril.



On the 16th at 22:00 pm, the following signal appeared close to the village Peal de Becerro, at the bottom of the Natural Park of Sierra de Cazorla Segura y las Villas, in Jaén. Here, Urretxindorra, tired from its long journey, decided to rest and spend the night.


Sierra de Cazorla mountain range. Author: Martin Haisch.

September 15th.- HIS JOURNEY BEGINS

In mid-morning of September 15th and after having had lunch, he finally decided to start with his large flyway with Urdaibai osprey. At midday they were already flying over Ubide, flying at a speed of 62 km per hour and at a height of 860 meters.


Ebro river. Author: John.                                                                

At 13.00 pm Urretxindorra was already approaching to the Ebro basin, having crossed Cantabrian mountain range. From this point on, we could clearly seen that the distance between Urdaibai and Urretxindorra ospreys was growing. Urretxindorra crossed Soria by the center and flying over the reservoir of Cuerda del Pozo. 

At 18.00 pm he entered in Guadalajara, very close to the Natural Park of Alto Tajo and crossing the reservoir of Alcorcon, he  entered in the province of Cuenca and Ciudad Real.


Alto Tajo Natural Park. Author: José Felipe Ortega.                 Alarcón reservoir. Author: AnTeMi.


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