Great turnout on the World Migratory Bird Day

Monday, 12 May 2014 08:13


We have celebrated the World Migratory Bird Day yesterday, whose theme was "Destination Flyways. Migratory Birds and Tourism" and in this context the Urdaibai Bird Center offered several activities that join both topics.



Visitors could enjoy several water birds in the marsh of Gautegiz Arteaga by the hand of technicians during the morning, some of these birds are in full migration towards the north and the center of Europe. People could also acquire knowledge on water birds in general and their migrations, and they could also see a demonstration of scientific ringing, where several birds, that after a long migration are here in those moments occupying different habitats in the surroundings of the center,  were cached to be ringed.

Kanpoan eraztuntzen

On the other hand, people could know the museum with the self-guided service as well as they could enjoy the water birds in the marshes throughout day.


Spoonbills and Black-winged Stilt

Lertxun gorria

Purple Heron


Swallows and Sand Martins


Eurasian Coot with its chick

Children have also their importance and as you can see below, this was the result of their work. The marsh is filled with migrating birds, and as you can see there are many species full of colour. It has been a very funny day!


Umeak lanean



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