Facing the Sahara desert

Wednesday, 02 October 2013 07:53

Dated today, some days have passed since ospreys left the Iberian peninsula and crossed the strip of sea that separates the two continents and now, the ospreys of Urdaibai fly over the huge lands of Africa.

They have flown fairly high for crossing the Moroccan Atlas mountain range and now are following their travel to the South, some of them crossing the large Sahara desert.

This desert, one of the biggest of the planet, is a geographical barrier that is very difficult to cross for any bird that dares to do it. In this way, the ospreys will face all the dangers that involve this huge desert, the strong winds, sand storms, extreme temperatures, the lack of water and food,...

For following this interesting and surprising migration, you have it detailed inside the section MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES on the part OSPREYS and you can know all the steps of the travel of our ospreys crossing the great desert of Sahara.

Good luck!


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