The first Eurasian Spoonbills have arrived to Urdaibai

Friday, 13 September 2013 09:51

This week we have seen the first postnuptial groups of eurasian spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) in Urdaibai marshes and in the wetlands of Gautegiz Arteaga.  While the first two specimens were observed in the intertidal area Kanala August 14, due to continued good weather in much of Europe the largest groups of spoonbills have begun to be observed from the first week of September

From this time, when the weather gets worse and worse more populated groups will arrive from the Wadden Sea in the Netherlands towards their wintering areas in the west coast of Africa, between Morocco and Ghana essentially getting the Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania and Senegal delta one of the major wintering areas for this species on the African continent.

Remember that this is a species that  in autumn pass has been studied specifically in Urdaibai for more than 10 years and used in turn as biomarker for measuring the quality conservation of Urdaibai marshes as it is extremely susceptible to human disturbance and environmental changes in wetlands. It is therefore,  from the point of view of of the most interesting species visiting us.


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