Great turnout of the conference "Following the osprey by Senegal"

Sunday, 02 March 2014 11:11

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The Urdaibai Bird Center gave a conference on the osprey called "Following the osprey by Senegal" last Wednesday. The lecture was given by Aitor Galarza director of the project and he related a lot of interesting things about his travel to Senegal and we had also the opportunity to meet and listen to Bara Ndiaye and Aliou Sene, two Senegalese who nowadays live in Bilbao from several years and who attended as guests to the lecture.

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Aitor gave us all the details about the travel that he made during his holidays, and he described us his experiences in Senegal, all the aspects relating to the nature and fauna of the area, and above all, how it was the search and the later reencounter with our osprey Urdaibai, happened in the Senegalese coast.
Before the lecture, Aitor Galarza introduced Bara and Aliou to the public and he told us how he met them and how it was they meeting in Senegal.

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Bara explained several aspects related to his country, such as the wealth of languages and dialects they have, the current situation in Senegal, cultural aspects, details of the life in Dakar the capital and he also mentioned the connection they see between their language Wolof and Basque.


Therefore, the lecture was very enriching for knowing the nature and characteristics around the place where is wintering Urdaibai, and even to know more about the social and cultural reality of this marvellous country which is Senegal.


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