Montorre and Urretxindorra schools from Urdaibai, have made their first international Skype connection with England, Italy, Gambia, and U.S.A., within the Osprey E.A. Proyect.

Thursday, 03 April 2014 12:30

Last Saturday, the first skype connection was performed with some of the schools that are participating in the international environmental educational proyect "Ospreys flyways, linking communities". The event took place in Urdaibai bird Center and about 90 people participated included parents and students of both schools. In this first video conference  multiple connections between several schools in different parts of the world were made, Brooke Priory School (Leicester, England--),  Istituto Compresivo Grosseto 1(Italy), Tanji Lower Basic School (Gambia) and Squam Lakes Natural Science Center (New Hampshire -EE.UU.-).

birdaurre copia

During the connection they wanted to focus the attention in the schoolchildren, giving the chance to present the projects done by each school around the osprey. From England a small theatrical performance was prepared, from Urdaibai was introduced and live performed the song called "arrano arrantzalearen kanta", from Grosseto in Italy a news programme was represented and from the U.S.A showed how an eagle which was wounded and left him unable to fly, serves as a vehicle to raise awareness among students of New Hampshire on the conservation of this species. Note that at the end of the act students of Urretxindorra  and Montorre were called to sing the song that begins to be the shared soundtrack of the project.  All of these schools are part of the international project that wants to link students from different places and cultures in all over the planet through the Osprey´s migration "Ospreys Flyways linking comunities" and also to develope an important role in environmental education that will spread to different countries. Currently 45 schools are part of this network in 9 different countries.

The connection was entirely in English and was rounded off with the song "Arrano arrantzalearen kanta" composed by Unai Egia professor of Urretxindorra school last year, and interpreted by the schoolchildren and parents of both schools. This first connection was coordinated and directed from England by Tim Mackrill (Rutland Water) and it has been the beginning of a long road that will follow these schools and many others that will be added to the project in the future, in order to get to know more about different human communities linked by an environmental nexus that is common to all of them: The osprey and their migrations.

tim grosseto iain
Tim Mackrill (Rutland water - Inglaterra-)  Instituto comprensivo Grosseto 1 (Italia) Iain MacLeod Squam lakes natural Sciences Center

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