They have crossed to Africa!

Saturday, 28 September 2013 10:39

The Ospreys of Urdaibai have made the great flight that separate them from Europe to Africa.

During this week the excitement has been maximum, as the Ospreys with satellite devices had arrived to the coast areas in the south of the peninsula and we felt that when weather conditions allow them, the continental jump would be imminent.

Images of the African coast from the Strait of Gibraltar

Each one in due course and making flights and routes completely different, have avoided strong winds and risks that entails the Alborán sea, the Strait of Gibraltar and the Gulf of Cádiz, and they have crossed the strip of sea that separate them from the vastness of African lands with great success.

From now on, we will be in hoped of many other challenges that they will have to overcome until they reach their wintering areas, such as big deserts, mountain ranges...

To follow with more detail the current news of these amazing journeys, click on "MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES", in "OSPREY" or follow them in the link:

and you will know the latest movements of our Ospreys in African lands.

Have a good trip!


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