An unforgettable event! World Wetlands Day, 2024

Tuesday, 06 February 2024 11:48

DMH2024 Observatory

World Wetlands Day, 2024 was a big hit with everyone. Our organized activities were fully booked and we got off to an early start.

At 10:00, with the morning mist still hanging in the air, the first scientific ringing session got underway.

DMH2024 Ringing

Why do we ring birds? What methods do we use? What data do we gather? All these questions were answered and participants were able to experience the whole process and learn to identify different birds. They saw siskins, chaffinches, goldfinches and great tits, among other species.

DMH2024 Lugano

As the mist cleared, the temperature began to rise and it was unusually warm for February. Conditions were ideal for our guided walk. This event began in the Bird Center, where participants could get to grips with the overall geography of Urdaibai and learn about the problems facing the wetland area.

DMH2024 Map

Once outdoors, they were able to get first hand experience of the habitat and the fauna which lives in it. As usual, nature surprised us in many ways. Equipped with binoculars, the group was just about to enter the Orueta observatory when a flock of 33 spoonbills flew right overhead. They were the first group we have seen on migration this year. It was a wonderful sight.

DMH2024 Spoonbills

Once inside the observatory al eyes were on the marsh. There were cormorants, shovellers, pintails, a shelduck and more to observe. For many, it was the first time they had visited the observatory and some were already promising themeselves a pair of binoculars.

DMH2024 Observatory

The walk continued in the direction of Kortezubi along a wooded path by the side of the marsh and from here our visitors could see how the reed beds are being invaded by plants such as the salt bush.

bach focus

They also had first hand experince of the impact groups of kayakers have on the wildlife. The noise made by these groups is one of many serious disturbances for birds who are feeding and resting by the water.

DMH2024 Problem1

World Wetland Day is about sharing the wonders of these fragile ecosystems and making people aware of pressures they are under. In addition to this, the2024 theme was Wetlands and Human Wellbeing. Coming together to celebrate the day gave us a sense of community and strengthened connections between us. We also enjoyed the positive experience of learning together and uniting to bring about change and conserve wetlands.

DMH2024 Humedal

Thank you to all those who visited us to discover and learn about the wetlands. Our love of nature made it a truly unforgettable day!


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