Work-experience in Urdaibai: Osprey recovery project. Summer 2015

Tuesday, 02 June 2015 00:00

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The Osprey is one of the most amazing birds we can see in Urdaibai. Its condition of "flag species" becomes it in an excellent tool for encourage conservation, environmental education and ecotourism.

Urdaibai Bird Center and the Regional Government of Bizkaia together with the Basque Government have launched a plan in 2013, in order to create a reproductive core of this bird in Urdaibai. The recovery project is carrying out by a team of technicians of the Regional Government of Bizkaia, Urdaibai Bird Center and external staff with a wide experience in these kind of projects.

This project includes the annual released of twelve young ospreys over the next five years which has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Scottish Government and the Highland Foundation for Wildlife. Once these birds are brought to Urdaibai, are kept in a hacking tower for several weeks until they are released. After have spent around a month in the surroundings, they begin their migration towards African lands.

Arrano txitoa

WORK EXPERIENCE 1. Work management and care of the reintroduced individuals in Urdaibai.

Purpose: Participate in the care and monitoring of individuals during their captivity period, individual's feeding, behaviour's monitoring in the hacking tower, individual's released and the monitoring of them during their first days of freedom.

Target group: work experience, volunteers.

1. 5th to 15th July.
2. 16th to 31st July.

Vacancies: 4 (one student can participate in more than one shift if desired). If there is a high demand, each student could participate only in one shift.

cebando periodicamente a los pollos

WORK EXPERIENCE 2. Scientific monitoring of the species in the marsh of Urdaibai.

Purpose: Participate in monitoring tasks (behaviour and activity) of the released ospreys and their interaction with migrating wild species.

Target group: work experience, volunteers.

1. 1st to 15th August.
2. 16th to 31st August.
3. 1st to 15th September.

Vacancies: 6 (one student can participate in more than one shift if desired). If there is a high demand, each student could participate only in one shift.

seguimiento por radio a los recien salidos del hacking

To apply for it send a curriculum vitae to this email ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) specifying name, surname and wich is the chosen work-experience. Applications will be accepted until the 17th of June 2015.

Notification 19th of June 2015

Conditions: Urdaibai Bird Center will provide accommodation to those students who require.



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