World Wetland Day was celebrated with an attendance success

Sunday, 02 February 2014 19:29


The people that took part in the different activities scheduled for this important day could know about some aspects of wetlands in general and Urdaibai marshes in particular.


Panoramic view of Gautegiz Arteaga marshes brimmed with the great tides.

All the activities aimed to stand up the natural values of those interesting systems and the importance of preserving them in a good condition, not only for the human interests but also for all the living beings that depend on them.

Bisita autogidatua

A lot of families made a self-guided visit to the center.

Zentroko irteera

Guided visit by Gautegiz Arteaga marshes.

Bisita gidatua


Visits by Urdaibai Bird Center

Among all the animal groups that depend on the good conditions of the wetlands, the waterbirds can be underlined and this was a great occasion for watching them and knowing more about all of them.

Cormorants, herons, spoonbills, teals, wigeons, snipes and coots delighted the participants while they watched them, listened to the explanations given by the technicians of the center about their characteristics, phenology and ecology of each one.


18 spoonbill waked up on the marshes. Two of them had Dutch rings.

Kuliska zuria


Ahate mokozabala

Northern Shoveler pair

Lertxuntxo handia

Great egret one of the jewels watched yesterday.

Zingira mirotza

A marsh harrier delighted us with its flights close to the hide.



Ubarroia lertxuntxoa

Cormorán, focha y garceta común

Lertxun hauskara eta zertzetak

Grey heron with three female teal



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